Category Archives: award

Thunder! Award

I was sweetly nominated for the Encouraging Thunder! award by my blogger bud Joeyfullystated. Check out her blog as she’s full of fun and humor while still talking about real stuff. She also talks about a lot of the stuff I talk about, so if you like my blog, I know you’ll like hers.


So here’s the deal about the award…

The Rules:

  • Post it on your blog.
  • Grant other bloggers the award.

What you cannot do:

  • Abuse or misuse the logo.
  • Claim that it is your own handmade logo.

What you should do after receiving the Encouraging Thunder Award:

  • Enjoy the award!
  • At least give thanks via comments, likes and/or mentioning the blog that you received the award from.
  • Mention your purpose in blogging.

So, here I am, all enjoying my award and stuff.

I already done given thanks to Joey (thanks, Joey!) for nominating me. And also I want to say thanks for the nice things she said about my blog (as well as the others she nominated). I am honored to be thought of that way.

My purpose in blogging is to share my experiences with other people who may or may not also be dealing with the same issues. For those who are going through the same things that I am, I want them to know they aren’t alone. I want them to know other people understand and feel similarly. I think it’s important to not feel alone when you are going through things. For those who are not going through the same things I am, I want them to understand how it feels to live the way I (and others) do. To possibly find more compassion for those around them. To find more knowledge and understanding for others in this crazy world.

I also blog for me. Quite selfishly, I might add. I blog because putting words down helps me figure things out. I blog because I need to vent, to get the emotions out of me, to allow the energy to be released. I blog because I look for support from others in the blogging community. I blog for fun…sometimes. 😉 I blog so that I know where I’ve been, and to see how far I’ve come. I blog because my memory sucks and I like being able to go back and see what did or didn’t happen. I blog because it helps, whether it’s me or others…and what I really want to do in this world is help. Even if it’s only one person, that makes me feel like my experiences have been worthwhile. And I blog to not be alone.

I don’t actually follow a lot of active blogs, though I am prone to reading random stuff. However, here are three blogs I do follow regularly (who weren’t already nominated by Joey) and think they, too, deserve this award. All of these bloggers speak openly and frankly about their lives, and that in itself is worthy of the Thunder Award. I want to thank them for opening their lives to others.

Megan Has OCD

The Shaming of the Shrew


I know some people don’t accept awards and I get that. So if I’ve nominated you and you don’t prefer to accept awards, I take no offense at that. Just know that this is how I feel about your blogs and we’ll leave it at that!


Posted by on May 7, 2015 in anxiety, award


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Versatile blogger award

I’ve been so kindly nominated by Ella at for the Versatile Blogger Award. You should go read her blog…she writes about her life and living with chronic illnesses, something I understand quite intimately.


Thank you so much, Ella. I am very appreciative of all those who stop in and read the ramblings of my anxious life. I haven’t been blogging here very long, so I’m not sure how many blogs I’ll be able to nominate that have not already received this award (who will accept an award) but I will try.

Meanwhile, sharing 7 things about myself…

  1. I’m the youngest of four children and the only girl
  2. I’ve known my best friend since 2nd grade (34 years!)
  3. My first career was as a computer systems administrator, back in the day when SAs were mostly men
  4. I used to love to swim (but haven’t in years because of my vertigo/imbalance issue)
  5. My guilty pleasure is watching Glee (though I am not enjoying this season as much as previous seasons)
  6. I enjoy doing laundry (don’t judge me!)
  7. Growing up, I loved Barbie dolls. I still have most of them in a box in the basement, as well as many of the add-ons that were available when I was growing up (the townhouse, the cottage, horse, dog, corvette, etc)

And the nominations are…(drum roll please):

I wish I had more, but I’m still finding new blogs to read every day. I’m sorry if you (in my list) have already been nominated. I tried to find blogs that had not already been nominated.

Thanks again, Ella. 🙂



Posted by on May 8, 2013 in about me, award


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